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SCIBIOEU project 

The “SCIence outreach: The example of BIObanks in EUrope” (SCIBIOEU) is an Erasmus+ KA2 project in Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education coordinated by the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens. The project strives to enhance public access to predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine by fostering engagement with biobanking opportunities. The project’s primary aim is to educate the next generation of scientists on effectively raising awareness among citizens regarding all ethical aspects of biobanking, and thereby increasing patient involvement in biobanking and personalized treatment.

Key objectives encompass identifying communication gaps between the public and science, supporting citizen understanding the significance of science, empowering students’ and young scientists in effective science outreach, developing an easily integrated e-learning platform, fostering transnational teaching programs, and promoting collaboration between different sectors.

To achieve these goals, the project employs various conventional and modern approaches to develop innovative educational tools, fostering narratives and communication practices for citizen engagement in contemporary biobanks. It addresses ethical considerations, emphasizing effective communication of obligations, benefits, risks, and data accessibility for future biobanking research volunteers.

The SCIBIOEU anticipated outcomes include an innovative course focusing on the Science Outreach of biobanking, adapted to the need of young scientists and students of Health and Biological Departments of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Additionally, the project will design a Serious Game serving as an engaging tool for raising public awareness on biobanking and a digital Guideline Handbook titled “Best Practice Guidelines for Science Outreach”.

The Principal Investigator of the project is Dr Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou ([email protected]), Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens

The coordinator of the project in Cyprus is Dr Georgia Charalambidou ([email protected]), CoE in Biobanking and Biomedical Research,, University of Cyprus

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